I am always amazed when I see the medicinal plant, mullein. It is a strange plant and easily recognizable. Several of the mullein plants I came across the other day had flower (brilliant yellow) spikes which reached upwards of seven feet.
Mullein is a pretty plant considered to be ornamental by many. I have seen it used effectively in flower gardens. Mullein, also sometimes called candlewick, is found growing wild throughout much of North America, Europe, Britain and in temperate climates of Asia. At times it can be found growing along the sides of roads, fields, and along the edges of woodlands.
Mullein is an ancient plant with quite a bit of folklore. Most of the folklore about mullein revolves around it's ability to ward off evil spirits and witches. Maybe that is one reason, in addition to it's ornamental value, people plant it. Mullein looks better than an old rusty horseshoe.
Mullein is also one of hundreds of plants recognized for it's medicinal properties. Mullein is believed by many herbalists to alleviate any number of disease problems related to the chest and gums and used with olive oil as an earache medication.
As with any medication or treatment, it is best to check with medical professionals before self treatment. Some things can be very dangerous and even fatal. Medicinal qualities are a large part of this plant's history worth noting.
Medicinal plants, like mullein, have been used for centuries. Actually, the medicinal plants are mankind's first health care system as humankind experimented and learned about our amazing natural world. Just remember though, no one kept a record of fatalities from such medicinal experiments. Don't eat the mullein without checking. It is an excellent plant, however, for flower or pollinator garden.
Many of the medical drugs used today have their origins in this simple beginning. So, it's probably best to use this ornamental to scare away the witches and evil spirits, enjoy it's amazing beauty and learn more about it's medical attributes from qualified sources.
Tomato Blight UPDATE – This fatal disease continues to spread in eastern North America. It can destroy a tomato or potato crop quickly. Monitor and check your plants frequently and be sure about what you are dealing with. Some brown spots on the edges of the leaves and yellowing could be the result of the cool and wet weather many regions have endured since spring.
Sautauthig UPDATE – It took two days to dry the blueberries in a dehydrator. Next time, I'll be more careful, the ripe berries dried nicely, the less ripe berries were still mushy even after two days. Dried blueberries were actually very tasty and have a different texture.
Fruit Fly Season: That time of year again for those pesky insects in the kitchen. Here is one simple solution. Get a jar, place some rotten fruit in and put a funnel on the top. The fruit flies get inside and can't figure how to get back out. It's easy to take the jar and the flies outside where they belong.
NEW : Vincent di Fondi is retired and now lives in Costa Rica. He has just had his book published,BLESSED ABDUCTION. It sounds like a fascinating work. The book is presently being sold at Barnes and Noble and Amazon. For more information, check out Vincent's blog from Costa Rica. It is a fun, and informative blog well worth the time.
Blogs I enjoy:
Vincent di Fondi
On Your Way to the Top
New York's Southern Tier
Urban Veggie Garden
Here are the links for of my other writing.
This is quite an education and I know you do not believe in doctors and allopathic medicine. I'm the same way and I believe in the natural holistic approach to good health. If I need help, I visit a clinic here called Dr. Ahorro (Dr. Save) and if I need any medication they prescribe only herbs, not pharmaceuticals. I really appreciate the plug for my book!