With spring comes a lot of new introductions. The people first; Kathleen and Dan are both gifted writers and excellent bloggers, who both are doing some top of the line writing.
Kathleen is a fellow writer at Helium. She has an impressive array of articles on a wide range of topics and manages a very good Helium Zone on the southern Tier section of western New York State.
Now if that isn't enough work, I really also appreciate and enjoy her blog “On Your Way to the Top – one woman, over sixty and her perspective on life.” It's great, stop by and check it all out. It is worth the time. She will be planting peas this spring and we'll follow how that effort goes.
Dan is one of our neighbors from Ontario and an excellent blogger who is recording his “trial and tribulations” at Urban Veggie Garden. Dan has an ambitious garden project going on and is constructing a poly tunnel system. His insights and documentations are very good and insightful.
Dan was able to get some great shots of some eagles which were published in the Toronto Star on March 12th. The photo's are posted, along with a news video, on his blog. Be sure to stop by his Web site for a visit and say hello.
Vegetable gardens are always important. The effort provides fresh and healthy produce; it is a relaxing past time and can be a spiritual experience in many ways. This year, a vegetable garden is particularly important because of rising food prices (besides health scares) and there are apparently a number of people who will be first-timers. Both of these writers provide down to earth insights in an excellent format.
Rosy Reds, the Frogs and the Vegetable Garden, my dedicated get your hands dirty garden blog, has also undergone some renovations and fine tuning over the last week or two and more is in the works. Links to both Kathleen and Dan can be found at the site, plus my own artwork and adventure stories, just click on the title of this post.
Pictured above is another new comer – this years Jalapeno crop. The plants, started on top of the refrigerator several weeks ago, are doing great. I should be transplanting them by week's end. The heirloom chicken hearts are doing great too, but I am getting skunked on the hot cherry bell peppers. I'll likely re-plant them.
The tomatoes all germinated fine, also started on top of the fridge and now located on a sunny southern window. The Romans, are just great tasting and good for sauces, the Persimmons, good old fashion flavor and the best for a tomato sandwich, Manyel (or many moons) are a smaller yellow tomato which are good in salads or just munching (and they are really a spectacular, amazing yellow color) and the Bloody Butcher, an early very tasty tomato, which can ripen as early as July 4th for me.
There are more to come and I need to get some peas in the ground today before tomorrow's rain. Thanks for the visit and be sure to view both Kathleen's and Dan's work.
I have additional writing, a lot of gardening and history, articles which can be found on my Helium profile page.