This past week the weather warmed into the fifties and much of the snow is now melted. It was amazing how fast it went. There were a few gusty thunderstorms last nights. I'm not ready to shout just yet, cause I am sure we'll get more snow and cold before it's really over.
Doing a garden check yesterday, I noticed the first of the garlic beginning to show; that seems early. This patch of garlic is a Russian variety which I have never planted before, called Georgian.
The other garlics are still dormant; homesteader and old Italian. Homesteader is a wild hardneck garlic which I discovered and tamed down. It is large, tangy and very garlicky tasting. I wasn't too sure what to call it so just gave it a name. Who knows what it really is or where it came from?
Old Italian is an old heirloom from an Italian family. It is a hardneck and has a hot garlicky flavor. The skin has purple markings.
Maybe it is the warm weather but the calender also says it is time to get some pepper seeds planted. I'd like to get some chicken hearts and some jalapenos planted in flats today and later some hungarian wax (they grow faster for me). I'll have see what I have for sweet peppers, not sure what I saved last year.
I started two additional writing sites this week, if you care to check them out. My Hub is focused more on the history of northwestern Pennsylvania; to date I have entered two posts. One is about the oil region in this area, sort of an overview with a focus on Pithole and the second post is an overview of French Creek. Check them out. The second writing site is at Word Press and has a somewhat different slant. Rosy Reds and the Frogs and Veggies is always being updated so if you want more detailed garden information, just click on the title.
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