Thursday, February 12, 2009

Enjoy a good lunch, learn and get involved

The Crawford County Conservation District has a featured speaker listed for their annual Awards Banquet who has a pretty important message for all sportsmen, hunters,anglers and trappers. The featured speaker for the February 19th events is
Ed Perry , the outreach coordinator for the National Wildlife Federation in Pennsylvania.
His presentation is entitled, “The Effects of Climate Change and Global Warming on Hunting and Fishing in Pennsylvania”. Nearly everyone is familiar with the changing weather patterns, but this promises to be something of a wake-up call for anyone who gets outside to hunt or fish
While there's been some grumbling about different hunting and fishing regulations over the years, the climate changes we are facing could really alter hunting and fishing and make the regulations look like minutae.
There is a lot individuals and organizations can do. Check out some of the linksin this post. Get informed. Unchecked, the situation could lead to some pretty dramatic outdoor changes.
The Awards Dinner, which will be held at the Meadville Day's Inn at noon, costs $13. The Conservation District will also honor and present awards to other organizations and individuals who have partnered to enhance and improve our local environment.

For more information or to place a reservation, call Brian Pilarcik at the Conservation District at 814-763-5269.
For more information on the Conservation District, click the title.
For more information in how to get involved in helping solve the looming crisis go to targetglobalewarming

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